Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Do you want to pick a fight?

Monkeybrain_logoDo you like a good debate? If you do, the people that brought us Squidoo have now provided you with a site where you can have your say on a whole range of subjects from 'Why don't abused women just leave?' to 'Cell phones are the root of all evil'.

Either roll up your sleeves and join in somebody else's argument or start one of your own at HeyMonkeybrain!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Has feminism turned men into second-class citizens?

For the first time in history a majority of American women are not living with a spouse. In Britain, the Office of National Statistics recently revealed that the number of marriages taking place in the UK had fallen to an all-time low and a survey carried out at the end of 2007 revealed that 39 per cent of women who work full-time earn more than their partner. And, apparently, this has left millions of men believing that they are undervalued, that their voices and opinions go unheard and that feminism has turned them into second-class citizens. Read more here.

Friday, February 01, 2008


Don't swallow your bubble gum... Look what happens: